We are sometimes contacted by a potential customer who already has an existing installation of WordPress on a domain that they own.
In some instances, the customer has taken the site to a certain level of completion, knows that they can post on it, but perhaps feels uninspired or even embarrassed about the current presentation on the site.
In these situations, we like to start with reviewing a clients lineup of services – domain names, site installation, 3rd party services, etc.
This gives us a picture of what is in place now and best way for the customer to proceed from there. It is also a good idea to inspect and upgrade the site’s WordPress Dashboard and Plugin setup.
We can then turn our attention to the way the site is presented to visitors, the site Theme. Here we will offer different scenarios and options for making the site appealing to the customers’ potential audience.
This process can give the customer a site that they can feel comfortable with and resume posting on, often with only some minor tweaks or assistance from us.