Lurkers are persons who read your social media posts and comments, ounce your Instagrams, under-reach your Facebook and Twitter Business pages, and then do nothing.
They don’t Like. They don’t Retweet. They don’t do nothing. They just.. keep… rolling alonggggg…
They are not doing what you had hoped they would do, which is Like your darned social media post!
Wikipedia says:
“In Internet culture, a lurker is typically a member of an online community…who observes, but does not participate.”

Tom Stier
Lurkers avoid the tools they are supposed to use to let you know their reaction to what you are spending a not inconsiderable amount of time to put out.
Is a Like too much to ask?
They stare at your post. They might cringe. They might laugh. They might get mad at what you are saying.
But in the end, they just scroll or swipe away to the next bright shiny posting.
Come On, Do The Lurk
Why do Lurkers Lurk?
For some Lurkers I know personally, they simply don’t trust anything online.
That is a valid point in this age of privacy concerns.
Some think any action they take will put them immediately on the radar of a Government Agency.
Or worse, somebody they had a grudge with in High School!
The 90-9-1 Lurkers Rule
This article by Jakob Nielsen, from the Internet of 2006, is still relevant to social media today.
“In most online communities, 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute a little, and 1% of users account for almost all the action.”

As this graphic pointedly shows, those at the top are tiny with pointed heads.
What Do Lurkers Mean To My Business
When A Tree Falls In The Forest Does It Land On A Lurker?
Lurkers are still a good thing for your business social media campaigns.
If the Lurker clicks through to your website from a Facebook or Twitter post, your website Analytics will pick them up in a way that lets you know where they came from. (Don’t have Analytics on your website? Contact Me).
Since Lurkers represent the largest demographic (90%) you will definitely want to keep posting on social media to connect with them.
Even if the relationship is very similar to Unrequited Love. If you are persistent, it might someday get upgraded to Pen Pal!
Measuring The Lurk
Social media platforms can now tell you through Analytics or Insights the likely quantity of Lurkers you are attracting.
For most of your postings it will be a much larger amount than Likes.
But even if you have not yet attained that level, consistency will continue to be your best ally, so keep right on posting.
If you keep up with your social postings on your chosen platform, you will someday Convert a Lurker with that Irresistible Post!