Tom Stier

Please Add This Poster To My Website

Many of our customers update their websites themselves, and for some clients, we fulfill an ongoing webmaster role. From time to time we get requests to add new content to a customer’s website.

We are always happy and quick to do so, but sometimes we find the request does not take into account all aspects of how website additions work best both for human visitors and for Google.

Which leads us to the often received “Please Add This Poster To My Website” request! […]

Tom Stier

The Mystery of Online Promotion

There is no mystery to promoting online! Success online requires imagination, effective communication, technical knowledge, and the right combination for the following tasks, all of which we can help with. The most well known businesses and personalities invariably follow these steps either on their own or by using proxy services like us to do the Read more about The Mystery of Online Promotion[…]

Tom Stier

Are You Leaving Your Website Out of the Loop?

I’m very pleased when one of my clients gets noticed by another source on the web. If the source is a site with a high visitor count the benefit back to them can be substantial. These kind of events only come around once in awhile for most of us, but if you have advance notice Read more about Are You Leaving Your Website Out of the Loop?[…]

Tom Stier

Thoughts on WordPress, Social Media and Expectations

Due to the increased demand for non-typical web page layout and social media style function,  I find myself partnering more frequently with carefully selected Premium Theme & Plugin developers for my WordPress site projects. Some of the coders I work with are quite gifted in their particular areas of expertise, such as the fine folks Read more about Thoughts on WordPress, Social Media and Expectations[…]

Tom Stier

WordPress Grows Up

WordPress started as a blogging tool. As bloggers worked with it, they grew to love the way the Dashboard made the process of quickly adding new content easy and intuitive. Then over time WordPress became one of the most popular general purpose content management softwares in the world. WordPress provides the same user experience for Read more about WordPress Grows Up[…]