Website for Local Berkshires MA Food Company
For this conversion to WordPress, this local Berkshires food company wanted all their site pages to retain the same design as their old site, with some image and positioning updates. […]
Design for the web has always been a little different from creating layouts in programs like Publisher or InDesign. For some print designers, the difficulty in getting web pages to ‘look’ exactly as they specify is a source of frustration.
At Promote Globally, we have always been excited by the challenge of working in a medium that can present your core design a little differently to each viewer, and for different viewports (window size) and still look great.
Making a website these days is very design dependent, but you must also realize that you are creating a destination that you hope will engage your visitors.
In the past, the standard operating procedure for transferring a print design to a web page was to chop it up in a program like Photoshop and then hold all the pieces together with pages consisting of dozens of nested tables or their equivalent.
Using modern web page building techniques it is now possible to create a professional presentation and more, without using tables. Your website will also be more legible on handheld devices, and is sure to run in most webhosting platforms available.
There is also the usability aspect of web design. In a sense, every web site is a new operating system that your visitor has to ‘get’. You do not want to confuse them or interrupt their ability to find what they are looking for. You only have a few seconds of their attention.
For the designer, the ultimate irony is that some of the websites that enjoy the most amount of traffic also seem to have the least amount of design! And to be truthful, we find a lot of high end designed websites just not much fun to visit!
We strive to provide our clients with solutions that maintain good web standards and also have excellent design.
For this conversion to WordPress, this local Berkshires food company wanted all their site pages to retain the same design as their old site, with some image and positioning updates. […]
The design of the site is similar to the example site supplied by the client – a full screen opening image, and then on inner pages, a white background, text links and focus on the gallery images. The site is using WordPress site software, the same system the example site is using. The opening page Read more about Website for a Fine Artist[…]
Here is a website that we had setup way back in 2010!
We have completed a new site between the folds of Her mantle. The site features a basic design, but with some nice touches such as a Flash image banner of a collage of images provided by the site owner. A nice feature of the site are the embedded videos. The Videos page displays rows of Read more about Religious Pilgrimage Website[…]
For this public relations website for a property redevelopment initiative, one of the first questions asked was if the WordPress platform could support a presentation-style component along with the needed blog functions. The answer to this was a resounding yes. Using the WordPress 2012 Theme as a basis for the customized theme, we developed a Read more about Website for Local Redevelopment Project[…]
For the aim was to produce a great-looking site, which would also be a good marketing tool for the music group. For this type of project, keeping within a limited budget is possible when there are some limitations on the design time involved. The project involved a conversion from a flat page site into Read more about Website for Samba Music Group[…]
First order of business for this cartoonist website project was to help the client pick a good second choice domain name, since his first choice was taken! We then helped the client sort through and find a good hosting company. We next set up two slideshow presentations, one for the color and another for the Read more about Yet Another Cartoonist Website Project[…]
We recently re-imagined our long time client Monterey Masonry’s website in a new WordPress version. In order to have both sites available for view while the changes were happening, we setup the WordPress version to have links on the right side of the page going to the WordPress pages, galleries, stone management section and posts. Read more about Masonry Website Updated to WordPress[…]
We recently completed work on a re-design and WordPress makeover for local garden designer and writer, Honey Sharp. […]