Tom Stier

Network Buys Marriage Comedy by Two Promote Globally Clients

ABC network has bought Cartoon Marriage, based on the book by New Yorker cartoonists and Promote Globally/Tom Stier clients, Michael Maslin and Liza Donnelly. Jennifer Garner is executive producing the comedy, which will be written by Lizzie McGuire and Less Than Perfect creator Terri Minsky. Promote Globally has been designer and host for Liza’s website Read more about Network Buys Marriage Comedy by Two Promote Globally Clients[…]

Yet Another Cartoonist Website Project

First order of business for this cartoonist website project was to help the client pick a good second choice domain name, since his first choice was taken! We then helped the client sort through and find a good hosting company. We next set up two slideshow presentations, one for the color and another for the Read more about Yet Another Cartoonist Website Project[…]

What Should I Do With My Old Record Albums?

Recently, a friend wrote to ask me what she should do with her old record collection. Since it’s OK with the management if this blog is used to discuss topics that might only be tangentially related to web design, promotion or hosting, I have decided to share. Here is my slightly abridged answer: […]

Masonry Website Updated to WordPress

We recently re-imagined our long time client Monterey Masonry’s website in a new WordPress version. In order to have both sites available for view while the changes were happening, we setup the WordPress version to have links on the right side of the page going to the WordPress pages, galleries, stone management section and posts. Read more about Masonry Website Updated to WordPress[…]

Privacy on the Web

We were recently contacted by someone who wanted to know how much it would cost to remove mention of himself from Google and another website. The references were not really derogatory, but still this caller wanted to know how he could control what he saw as an intrusion into his privacy. […]

Get your ‘place’ on Google Places

Next time you do a search in Google, notice that cluster of listings at the top of the page with the A, B, C, etc. markers?

That’s Google Places, and it’s a FREE method for you to get your business placed on the first page of search results for your business keyphrases!

All you need to do is sign in or sign up for your free Google account (Is there anybody left that doesn’t have one?).

Then go to Google Places and just fill out as much information as you can. Google is going to verify your address, for your own protection and to make sure you really are where you say you are. Go right ahead now, you can trust Google!

One neat feature is that you don’t have to exactly show where you are on the map, just the general area your business serves. This is great if you work out of your home or want privacy.

This is something that you have to take advantage of sooner rather than later, because your competitors can also sign up and get their little marker on the map, too.
