June 10, 2013

Web Promotion Services

Tom StierAt Tom Stier/Promote Globally we favor an organic approach to making the websites we build search engine friendly and effective. Here is our strategy:

  • Empower the client. The client knows their business, and should be given the tools to present it online, as they do in their day-to-day interactions with their local customers.
  • Encourage the client to think of their website as an extension of their print and word-of-mouth community presence.
  • Help the client leverage their activity on social media networks and the interaction between services such as Facebook, Twitter and Linked-In and their own website.

One of the most important qualities your web site needs is accessibility to the widest possible viewership. Your buyers cannot buy from you if they cannot find you when they search. You need an optimization strategy that builds authority with established search engines.

While this involves strategies related to building the site from the ground up, the single most important factor is that your site has fresh, relevent text content that satisfies the needs of a website search engine’s users.

An effective search engine optimization SEO plan requires experience, planning, and attention to detail. We will research your competitors, help you select the best keywords, recommend a content optimization strategy, optimize your code, and help you monitor it on an ongoing basis.

The ongoing nature of this type of work is important. Search engines are constantly changing their methods. Your competitors may have the advantage of being ‘grandfathered’ into a favorable result position due to the length of time they have  had certain information appearing on their pages. They may be paying for position on certain keywords or phrases, which can boost their position in organic search results also.

Consider how often you and your immediate colleagues use a search engine. How do you use it? The fact is that most people use a search engine as their first source to find a business or product. This is even more critical when a person starts researching vendors for a new product or service they plan to buy. The Internet is where everyone starts their search. Can they find you?

We often see odd search terms or phrases bring significant amounts of traffic to a site. Visitors might come to your site though what you might consider to be some remotely related text content that might be on your site. In any case, they are on your site and will see what you have to offer.

At its most basic level, search engine optimization is all about expressing your passion for the topic of your website in words. Actual text content appearing on your site pages is still the most important part of your site.

Flashy animations and images are nice, but what a search engine really likes to see is text content on your website pages that it can match up with the search terms its users are entering. This is what can equalize the playing field between you and the ‘big guys’ on the web.

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